Todo Works CO.,LTD

Stand: 8201

Todo Works is an engineering startup established in 2016. We resolve various problems faced by persons with reduced mobility by creating lightweight, affordable and smart mobility solutions.

Starting with Todo Drive, the world's smallest and leightest wheelchair power add on, we're filling the gap for seamless accessibility for wheelchair users with our mobility solutions. We've developed wheelchair power assist (Todo Drive) and manual wheelchair (Todo-A)  which is integrated with Todo Drive perfectly and pediatric mobility solution (Todo-i).

As our motivation for starting Todo Works was a child using a wheelchair, we are very motivated to enhance to improve the mobility of children using a wheelchair.

We started to imrpve the mobility of All the children using a wheelchair at school aged by providing Todo-i and wheelchair skill training  free of charge in Korea. Now, the 1,987 children have gained back their freedom of movement and we've offered 1,539 hours of wheelchair skill traing as of December 2021.

Since this year, we've expanded this project to all teenagers requring a wheelchair in Korea

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176-10 Da-dong, Hohyeon-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, South Korea 14901