Al Rizq Advertising is a leading sign manufacturing company specialized into manufacturing Tactile Plates / Braille Signs. With 23 years of experience in sign manufacturing in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, specializing in all types of Indoor and Outdoor signage, we are capable from Design, Production to installation of signs for your complete facility, be it Hospitals, school, airport, etc.
At Al Rizq Advertising produce ADA Approved Tactile and Braille sign systems. Our manufactured signs are currently being used in many public places in Dubai including the Parks and walkways. Our machines can put the braille system on most of the flat surfaces thus enabling to incorporate Braille system into wayfinding signs.
With our expert design and production center, we can Design, Produce and Install Braille signs in Offices, buildings, Hospitals, and all public places.
We welcome your inquiries to support you with design and samples to suit your needs and brand guidelines.
Al Rizq Advertising LLC Phone: 04 2839495 Email: [email protected] For more details, please visit