People are praising Disney’s film, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, for its realistic depiction of a Black family learning one of their children, has autism, especially after it had been revealed its star BeBe has autism. A clip has made waves on social media, resonating with viewers, especially those who have first-hand experience with an autism diagnosis. The clip shows Penny (voiced by Kyla Pratt), Trudy (voiced by Paula Jai Parker) and Oscar (voiced by Tommy Davidson) learning that Bebe is on the autism spectrum. At first, Oscar reacts in fear and anger, believing the teacher is saying his son isn’t intelligent. But as the teacher explains autism in full, Oscar and Trudy feel more at ease. The Proud Family’s original show debuted in 2001. In the newest season, Penny’s trouble-making twin siblings and the youngest children of Oscar and Trudy Benjamin ‘BeBe’ and Cecilia are being evaluated at school. In the viral clip shared on Twitter, the evaluator shares that CeCe scored in the highest percentile while BeBe shows early signs of autism. Trudy and Oscar’s reactions were honest as concerned (and Black) parents, who may not understand the intricacies of the developmental disability. This is several parents’ experiences around the world, who learn to navigate the disability for their families and most importantly, their child. Fans reflect on this scene from the second season, saying that this is not the first time the show has addressed a tough issue. “The Proud Family” was known to address the hard facts and subsequently, praised for it. One fan tweeted, “The Proud Family raising awareness on autism in 2023 shows that the series is still as bold and kind as it was earlier.” The Proud Family started its second season on the first day of February right in time for Black History Month.
Source: Yahoo News