Assistive Technologies for Students with Disabilities

Technology today has become the norm in the classroom. It has improved students’ learning experience by availing different types of learning resources. For students with physical and other disabilities, the need for assistive technology in the classroom is more real than ever.

In schools, the department for special education helps students with a wide range of conditions learn and catch up with the rest of the student population. Assistive technology is helping learners with specific disabilities learn better.

Benefits of assistive technology to students with disabilities

Every student with a disability has a unique learning style. Assistive technology for students with disabilities helps accommodate their unique learning styles. It provides them a better learning experience. Assistive technology avails various benefits to them.

Enhanced independence. A large number of students with disabilities cannot learn without being assisted physically. The teacher might assist them to hold a pen or draw near them so that they can hear or see them. With assistive technologies such as hearing aids and visual devices, they depend less on the teacher.

They help enhance academic performance. Devices such as speech assistance when writing helps students achieve more and perform better.

Reduces stress and anxiety. Students might become uncomfortable when they have to be assisted to do most of the things. With adaptive devices for persons with disabilities, they can do many tasks by themselves and thus become less stressed and anxious.

Students with disabilities can pursue education to any level such as college or university, thanks to assistive technology. Due to the technology, they can read a book, stay in the class for an entire day, and move around on the campus comfortably. Regardless of whether you suffer from disabilities or not, essay writing can challenge you in different ways. This will be your best moment to get essay writing help from professional college paper writers on Ca.EduBirdie because they have qualified writers. You will not suffer stress due to your course demands or due to lack of time.

Types of assistive technologies for students with disabilities

Text to speech assistive technology tools
Text to speech is an application created to help learners with the reading difficulties of print texts. These are learners with visual disabilities and other conditions that might hinder them from reading texts. This assistive technology is also important for learners suffering from autism, intellectual, and hyperactivity disorders.

Assistive listening tools
This is an assistive device created for earners with hearing disabilities. The tools help them hear the teacher better. This helps improve their communication skills and speech because they start to clearly hear voices.

Phonetic spelling tools
These are tools that help to convert what a user is typing into words. Some of the tools are programmed with audiobooks to hear what they are writing.

FM listening systems
FM listening systems are another greatly helpful technology. It helps reduce background noise and amplify voice so that a student can hear the teacher better. The teacher must wear a mic that broadcasts to the FM receiver worn by a student.

VR for the classroom is designed for autistic students to adapt better in places where there are large crowds. They can manipulate objects and see them better than they would in the real world.

Handheld touch screen computers
Handheld touch screen computers are useful for visual learning. It assists learners with disabilities to read, draw, and watch videos. Learners with motor impairment can use the tool to improve coordination. The computer is designed to assist a wide range of learners with disabilities. It includes hearing, visual, speech disabilities, and autism.

Seat cushion
This is a special seat cushion. It is for learners with attention challenges and sensory processing issues. These learners have to constantly get up and walk around because they can only pay attention for a short time. The cushion provides them with ample movements and stimulation. It helps them develop maximum attention.

Technology today has become the norm in the classroom. Technology is playing an important role in helping students with disabilities. It helps them live a healthy and productive life. They become more independent living lives with better dignity. Due to assistive technology, the students enroll in higher learning institutions and graduate. From school, they join the career field and become productive in nation-building.

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