Dubai Club for People of Determination

Five persons with disabilities commenced the march when they decided, in 1988, to overcome difficulties and realize the idea, and so, they established the Sports Committee for The Disabled, which proved itself through the outstanding results since its beginning. Accordingly, such committee turned to a Club officially announced in 1993 with insignificant financial and technical capabilities but this did not prevent the Club members from reaching a wider global horizons achieving international scores delighted whoever lives in this great country. The Club march continuous towards excellence thanks to the financial and moral support by the nation's generous leaders as well as the significant positive shift in social awareness about the disabled sports, thanks to their creative achievements at all levels. Women gained a significant share of this attention, which subsequently turned to the achievements by the UAE ladies with disabilities. In July 2002, Ladies Club was established in Dubai Club for The Disabled by virtue of the generous gesture of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance who pointed out the need to open a special division for ladies to play an effective role in the Club. Most important activities in girls division are, in addition to sports activates and competitions, Sewing and embroidery, handicrafts, fashion design, painting on glass and training on some traditional crafts.


Our Vision

international leadership in serving the disabled


Our Message

To physically, spiritually, psychologically and intellectually rehabilitate the disabled to play their developmental role in the society equally in sports, cultural and social fields.

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates