Knowledge Hub by Community Development Authority
For People with Disabilities, knowledge contributes toward mobilizing their lives and helping them move forward in the right direction. More powerful than sheer physical strength, knowledge helps people with disabilities be active members of society and contribute to its economic progress while at the same time, gives companies and the wider community an opportunity to put in place best practices that can help them enhance their global competitiveness and ensure the best living standards for everyone.
The AccessAbilities Knowledge Hub provides a platform to hear from global leaders and experts across various fields on how the region can enhance its services and opportunities for People with Disabilities. Speakers will share case studies, provide useful insights on programmes that have worked and build new collaborations with attendees.
INCLUSION is a universal human right that embraces all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other needs and provides equal access without barriers to everyone in a society. The business case for inclusion is stronger than ever before in the highly globalised economy and an increasingly borderless world. Inclusion is essential to get the best out of any society.
Key topics by speakers to be addressed will include:
- Are organisations rightfully recognizing and focusing on Inclusion of People with Disabilities to enhance their services to the whole community?
- How does Inclusion affect an organisation’s long-term performance?
- How does an Inclusive society help transform the quality of life for People with Disabilities?
- How does a more Inclusive society enhance the lives of every person living in that society?
- How does Inclusion impact the wider economy of a city or country?
- How are Inclusive organizations cultivating cultures that produce higher productivity, retention, engagement, morale and innovation?
- How can the Education sector be made more Inclusive to build the foundation of an Inclusive society?
- How can the urban environment be enhanced to support wider Inclusion in Education and Industry?

Princess Dania Bint Abdullah bin Saud bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
Executive Director
Association of Our Special Friends Charity

Prince Saud Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Farhan Al Saud
Society of Autism Families

Areej Jameel Al Muallem
Secretary General
Society of Autism Families

Eqab Albadarneh
Senior Occupational therapist, Sensory integration certified
Sanad Village

Dr. Abbas El-Hajj Hussein
Medical Doctor

Dr. Omar Almodayfer
Human Development Co.

Dr. Maria Efstratopoulou
Chair of Special Education
UAE University

Dr. Ashraf Mustafa
Instructor in Special Education
UAE University

Shruti Nadkarni
Coordinator-Work Placement Program, Head of Occupational and Physical Therapy Department
Al Noor Rehabilitation & Welfare Association for People of Determination
TECHNOLOGY innovations are improving mobility and ease of access for People with Disabilities globally. Providing access to the right technology, quickly and cost effectively is important to removing many of the current challenges and barriers people with disabilities face. Accessible Technology is advancing rapidly, with global technology leaders, SMEs and entrepreneurs launching new game-changing solutions that give People with Disabilities more independence, control and opportunity.
Key topics by speakers to be addressed will include:
- What are the latest Technology innovations available for People with Disabilities?
- What are the key barriers to making the latest technology available to everyone?
- How can Governments and Corporations work together to subsidize the cost of assistive technology?
- What role can universities play in developing research and innovation centres for the disability sector?
- How can innovations in technology help people with disabilities live better, more independent lives?
- How can Assistive Technology enhance the economic contribution of people with disabilities in society?
- How can we make it more profitable for companies to develop new technologies for people with disabilities so it is prioritized for R&D spend?
- How can accessible technology help increase diversity and inclusion as the number of people in need of assistive products rises above 3.4 billion by 2050?

Abdel Monem El-Sharkawy
Executive Director
Chairman, National Academy of Information Technology for Persons with Disabilities (NAID), Egypt

Nick Ward
Head of UK and Global Partner Sales
Smartbox Assistive Technology

Emma Haines
Global Partner Sales Manager
Smartbox Assistive Technology

Sakina Hussain
Brainnovation Mind Abilities

Camille Mata
Technology Professional
Consort World

Adam Spencer
Founder, President and CEO
Able Docs

Danny Bluestone

Yahye Sihad
Diversity and Accessbility Lead

Cjris Giles
UX Practitioner
FOR all of us, our general health is key factor not just in our physical day to day living but overall mental wellbeing as well. Access to quality healthcare is a universal right and as shown by the recent coronavirus pandemic, receiving proper and timely healthcare is a priority for every individual and government around the world. People with Disabilities are often denied the same healthcare benefits as other individuals, experiencing stigma, discrimination and poor quality services as their daily needs may be higher in some cases. Research has shown that People with Disabilities are more likely to experience adverse socio-economic outcomes due to poorer health services and higher costs to avail these.
Healthcare and Rehabilitation services for People with Disabilities must be prioritized globally to enable them to optimize their functioning, minimise cost of access and live the same stress free and comfortable life as anyone else. As the health and rehabilitation needs for people with disabilities increases, society must take a more holistic approach to ensure these needs are met and a long-term strategy is put in place to meet future challenges.
Key topics our expert speakers will cover during these sessions include:
- Is rehabilitation important to ensure the future of work is inclusive, leaving no one behind?
- Is rehabilitation a key means to promote longer working lives and delay the need for care for disabled people and the elderly?
- What have been the long-lasting impacts of the pandemic on rehabilitation needs and capacities?
- Does the multidisciplinary nature of rehabilitation need a transversal platform for the exchange of good practices and promoting a holistic view of rehabilitation as a pillar of social security?
- Should rehabilitation cover all medical, occupational and social measures that serve People with Disabilities to gain an appropriate place in occupational and economic life and society?
- How does rehabilitation enable people with physical or mental disabilities overcome barriers to accessing the right opportunities and help them return to employment?
- Is improving community-based rehabilitation services integral to the rehabilitative approach?
- Is rehabilitation an investment with costs and benefits for both the individuals and society?
- How can we ensure the higher healthcare requirements for People with Disabilities are met adequately and their quality of life is not affected due to inadequate healthcare services?

Lamia Faleh Al-Faleh
Director for Rehabilitation Services
Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City

Ali Faris Alamri
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

Noura Alothman
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

Dr. Reem Mohammed Basuodan
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

Dr. Monira Ibrahim Aldhahi
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

Dr. Abbas El-Hajj Hussein
Medical Doctor

Eman Abushabab
Dubai Autism Center

His Excellency Majid Sultan Al Muhairi
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Emirates Autism Society

Fajer Almenaie
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and Lead of the ABA department
Fawzia Sultan Healthcare Network

Dr. Ayman El-Hattab
Consultant Clinical Genetics and Professor at the College of Medicine, University of Sharjah
MENA Organisation for Rare Diseases

Dr. Ehab Mashal
Director General of the Center and the creator of the Brain Keys Program
Mental Aerobics Center

Omar Hayat
CareTech MENA Managing Office Ltd.

Masam Malik
CareTech MENA Managing Office Ltd.

Mohamad Nuwaila
Director of Sales & Marketing
NURO Middle East Trading LLC

Yasser Zaki
Chief Executive Officer
Tender Loving Care Disability Services

Dr. Abdalla lootah
Academic professor & Member of the Board of Directors
Association of Families of Persons with Disabilities

Fatima Mohamed Ali
Association of Families of Persons with Disabilities

Sharifa Yateem
Chief Executive Officer
Sharifa Yateem Center for Rehabilitation

Inas Ktaech
Clinical Director/BCBA
The Doris Duan-Young Autism Center

Nikki De Leon
Case Manager/BCaBA
The Doris Duan-Young Autism Center

Dr. Fida Dyab
Head of the Support Team for People of Determination
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