Getting out of high school can be a daunting experience, especially for some students with disabilities who aren’t sure what’s next for them.
But a program for students with developmental and intellectual disabilities was revived in Hoover City Schools this year to help these students find a pathway for their future, and leaders in the program say it was a great success.
The nationwide program, called Project Search, puts students with disabilities such as Down syndrome, autism or intellectual delays into internship positions in companies to help them gain life and job skills and transition into the workplace.
The program in Hoover is a partnership between the Alabama Department of Rehabilitative Services, Hoover City Schools, United Ability, the Alabama Department of Mental Health and the Renaissance Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa.
Students who have completed all 24 credits needed to graduate high school are eligible to apply, so it’s somewhat like a 13th year in school, but out in the community, said Vickii Marchant, the program instructor for Hoover City Schools.