ZenSenses will be present at the AccessabilitiesExpo-2023, showing the use of the Snoezelen Approach, which has had an incredible evolution around the world.
It will be available for:
– Training in Snoezelen Approach
– Consultancy and creation of multisensory spaces – Sensory products for sale – Opportunity to take pictures in this spectacular immersive environment.
Students and professionals (health, education and social intervention) can register for the Snoezelen Approach Training through the website.
6-hour duration – 4-hour online and 2-hour in our Snoezelen room at the Expo.
Parents – if they prefer something of short duration, we will have this workshop aimed at parents, about what Snoezelen is and how they can use it at home:
1-hour 30-minutes duration, in our Snoezelen room at the Expo.
Possibility of purchasing products advised by a specialized Occupational Therapist, according to the needs of the child (parents), or clients (institutions / entities).
Those interested in scheduling personalized online training for work team, or a consulting meeting to create multisensory environment, get information from the website or contacting us. It is possible to reserve equipment before Expo, as it will be limited to the existing stock.
See you at the AccessAbilities Expo.
Source: ZenSenses