ZenSenses at AccessAbilitiesExpo Dubai 9-11 October 2023!

ZenSenses will be present at the AccessAbilitiesExpo Dubai 2023 showing the use of the Snoezelen Approach, which has had an incredible evolution around the world!

It will be available at the Expo:

– Training in Snoezelen Approach for students, professionals and parents / caregivers

– Consultancy & creation of multisensory spaces

– Fantastic sensory products for sale

– Opportunity to take pictures in this spectacular immersive environment!

About the training, students and professionals in the field of health, education and social intervention will be able to see all the information and register here for the Snoezelen Approach Training:


It will have 6h duration, of which 4h will take place online a few days before the event, and 2h in our Snoezelen room at the Expo.

Parents will be able to participate in this too, but if they prefer something of short duration, we will have this workshop aimed at parents / caregivers, about what Snoezelen is and how they can use it at home:


Duration of 1h30 in our Snoezelen room at the Expo.

In both with the possibility of purchasing products advised by a specialized Occupational Therapist, according to the needs of the child (for parents), or clients (for institutions or entities).

Who is interested in scheduling personalized online training for their work team, or a consulting meeting to create a multisensory environment, it is possible right now, just ask for more information. It is also possible to reserve equipment before the Expo, as it will be limited to the existing stock.

Any questions we are available to answer.

See you at the Expo!

Source: ZenSenses

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